Zero Radius Games

Zero Radius Games is a hobbyist game design group that consists of Chris Taylor, Tom Decker (he was part of the ToEE and Bloodlines teams) and Scott Everts. ZRG has finally a working website again and they have put up some of their games for download. The games are in PDF format (yes, these are board and/or card games) and you don’t use a PC to play them. 😉 As far as I’ve heard their games are pretty sweet, so have a look at their site!

By the way, I’ve found that piece of information at the Fallout 3 Blog! Thanks briosafreak!

Diablo III

Hell froze over and Blizzard finally announced Diablo III. This may be big news for all computer game fans but why here on Troika Chronicles? That’s because Leonard Boyarsky of Troika fame is the Lead World Designer of Blizzard’s upcoming Action RPG. Wow! I’ve heard rumors that Leon was working for Blizzard Entertainment but that he’s in charge of World Design just blows me away! Good luck, Leon, and try to smuggle some Brahmin into the Cow Level. 😀